Pratt Falls: Episode 10 – Chuck & Julie talk relationships

Not quite sure where the post went… since I am sure it was blogged on Sunday night. But here goes again.

Ellen & Portia are at it again, this time they have infiltrated the lair and overheard Chuck and Julie talk about the relationships on AMC they think will “sizzle” this summer. Yeah… “sizzle”

Also, Julie busts a move talking about how she wants to make the fans wait…

Pratt Falls – Episode 7

The pirate-shirted hack continues to share his maniacal plans with JHC.


Episode 7: High level discussions continue at the AMC offices.

Favorite line: “Chuck, I have to ask. As a child were you ever caught sacrificing small puppies to the Prince of Darkness?”

The “Pratt Falls” Geniuses Do an Interview with Michael Fairman

Ellen and Portia, as they like to refer to themselves as, recently did an interview with Michael Fairman at — Michael

Check out the transcript here

Michael also agreed to take part in their virtual world in the interview:

LMAO! Pratt Falls – Episode 6

o.O and overthemooo are at it again!!!

Again, no words to describe the funny, just watch!

Episode 6: The high level hijinks continue at the offices of All My Children.

These episodes just keep getting better and better, and over all laugh your ass off funnier!

Liza Colby, Pine Valley & Jamie Luner

I waited until Jamie Luner’s first full episode as Liza Colby aired before making any commentary on her portrayal of the character. As a viewer who was only exposed to Marcy Walker’s portrayal of Liza Colby, and as someone who has watched All My Children for the past 15 years, it’s going to take some time to get used to someone else playing Liza. And seeing Luner in the flesh on my screen with the red hair makes me think she would have been better as Skye recast.

Kudos to Jamie Luner for taking on the role, stepping into some challenging shoes to fill. Her initial appearance on screen was quite intriguing but something about it bothered me. The voice. Marcy Walker’s voice was somewhat low also, but Luner’s has a huskiness to it. For some reason, it just bothered me. Again, just another thing to get used to with this nuLiza, along with the possibility that the character was de-aged, based on appearances.

Apparently, during her time away from Pine Valley, Liza has obtained a law degree. Most likely, she did this after Colby ran away from her. So now we have Liza Colby, former executive (but probably still has it in her) and attorney. Liza Colby, Esq.? Sounds sassy, but let’s see what she does with that law degree besides handle Amanda’s adoption. Judging from yesterday, she has some dastardly plan up her sleeve concerning Amanda’s baby and it probably has to do with exacting revenge David Hayward.

One thing that was unnecessary was the casino sex with Zach. Really, did it have to happen? Clearly, it was just another plot device to tear apart Zach & Kendall even further.

Now, Liza and Jake having a chat, that was a nice throwback, considering they have always been friends and Jake was almost Colby’s father. Of course, that harkens back to the days of Michael Lowry and J. Eddie Peck’s portrayal of Jake Martin opposite to Walker’s Liza Colby. The only odd thing was seeing two very different actors playing these characters, Ricky Paull Goldin and Luner. Not sure if there was any chemistry between the two.

Two days isn’t enough to judge Luner as Liza Colby. No impact made. Let’s revisit this in a month when she’s had more interaction with others.

Exclusive Interview – The Creative Brains Behind “Pratt Falls”

Here it is, one of the first exclusive interviews with the two marvelous and creative brains behind “Pratt Falls” the recent overnight Internet sensation. If you haven’t heard of “Pratt Falls” yet, then you’ve probably been living under a rock somewhere or have the wrong Google Alerts set. Or maybe you just haven’t been checking the soap message boards and/or blogs regularly.

A little background first. o.O and overthemooo are two members of the Bianca & Reese Forum who put their creative minds together one evening last week after reading the comments that All My Children Head Writer had made regarding why the Bianca & Reese storyline didn’t work out the way he wanted it to. According to Mr. Pratt, his reasoning was based on the departure of Eden Riegel, not knowing how long her contract was when he initially penned it and in turn, it caused much fan outrage across the message boards and blogs.

Instead of writing scathing letters to the higher powers at ABC and All My Children, o.O and overthemooo decided to put their angry energy into an animated cartoon, portraying secret meetings between Charles Pratt Jr. and Executive Producer of AMC, Julie Carruthers. Little did they know, their YouTube creation, “Pratt Falls” would sweep across the soap community on the Internet.

o.O and overthemooo were gracious enough to answer a few questions and give us some insight to the creation of “Pratt Falls.”

SS&D: What was the inspiration behind “Pratt Falls”?

o.O: Moral outrage, righteous indignation and, revenge.

overthemooo: After reading Pratt’s statements about Eden Riegel’s involvement in the Bianca & Reese storyline, I knew there was only one thing to do. Eden Riegel’s reign of terror had to be stopped. But seriously, his comments seemed so preposterous and offensive that I was moved to post a ten line mock conversation between Pratt and JHC. It was just a joke and it really wrote itself (I mean, come on! Blame Eden Riegel? Is that the best they could come up with?).

SS&D: Do you consider it as some sort of therapy or a way to respond to Charles Pratt’s comments about the his penning of the Bianca & Reese story?

o.O: I don’t consider it therapy, though I’m beginning to think that I might need therapy.

overthemooo: No. This is revenge. Pure and simple. Hell hath no fury like a soap fan scorned. I needed therapy after being forced to watch Greenlee eat crème fresh off Ryan’s face. And then again when Ryan and Kendall had post-mortuary grief sex.

SS&D: Where does all this creative genius come from?

o.O: From a shrine that was erected in my bathroom closet that I built to worship Joss Whedon. It’s finally producing results for me.

overthemooo: The Hammer of Thor and chocolate chips. Not necessarily in that order.

SS&D: Pratt Falls became an Internet sensation very quickly. Do you find this to be overwhelming for either of you?

o.O: I find getting out of bed every morning to be overwhelming for me.

overthemooo: Let me put this in perspective. When o.O initially emailed me, I didn’t give it a second thought. I knew that she made fabulous music videos (and that Eden Riegel had seen these videos), so I assumed that the animation and script work would just be something funny and well put together. Next thing we know, it’s everywhere. So, yes, it is overwhelming in the best possible way.

SS&D: How are you handling all this fame?

o.O: I am a little bit ashamed to admit that it has gone to my animated head, which as you may have noticed, is disproportionately large.

overthemooo: I have repeatedly sent demands to ABC studios. I want free t-shirts, a helicopter and a pair of scrubs from Grey’s Anatomy. So far, they haven’t responded to my requests.

(FYI – According to their animated Q & A episodes, o.O is the dark haired one (Portia) and overthemooo is the blonde/Ellen.)

SS&D: Did you have any expectations for this Internet gem? Did you ever imagine it going viral as quickly as it did?

o.O: I had no expectations whatsoever. I did not imagine that it would go viral, nor did I think anyone outside of the Bianca & Reese forum would give a rat’s ass about our little parody.

overthemooo: I expected that people might laugh. I had no idea that it would explode in the way it did. But obviously people are very upset about Eden Riegel’s involvement in destroying Pratt’s two-year storyline for Bianca and Reese.

SS&D: How many more episodes do you have planned?

o.O: Nothing is planned. We have never had a plan. I see no reason to start planning now. As long as we’re having fun and coming up with silly things to say, we’ll keep it going. But to imply that we ever consciously thought this through would be a lie. A damned lie.

overthemooo: In the words of Indiana Jones, we’re just making this up as we go along. Usually I’ll send o.O something silly at around 1AM and she polishes, adds brilliance, animates and uploads. We strike when its least expected. Like the icy glare of a scorned Bianca Montgomery.

SS&D: There is a catchy quote at the end of you video where you answer questions from your fans, “A fan without hope is a fan without fear.” Who came up with it and what is your take on the meaning behind it?

o.O: I ripped that line from a comic book — don’t remember which one. The original line is “A man without hope is a man without fear.” It struck me as so true, and as good an explanation as any as to why we would go to such lengths to make fun of TPTB at AMC. Once Pratt & JHC successfully destroyed our belief that they cared even remotely about the characters on their own show, or had any respect for the actors that portray those characters — well, I became fearless. What did we have to lose? Eden Riegel & Tamara Braun have left the show, is life worth living anymore? (Please reference above comment about needing therapy.)

overthemooo: That was all o.O. And as a comic book fan, I love it! Either that or I’ve been reading too much Watchmen and now see the world as an apocalyptical playground (comic book nerds do, in fact, rule the world). But, I digress. I think, in this day and age when soaps are being cancelled, writers and producers have to be very careful. The fans equal viewers, and without viewers, there are no ratings. Without ratings, there are no soaps. I’m not saying that writers and producers need to constantly heed to the sway of fan opinion. But we’re not stupid, nor are we blind (watch out for those glass decanters! They’ll get you). We’re armed with laptops and you tube so beware. But if this all blows up in our face and o.O and I suddenly disappear, I advise you to blame Eden Riegel.

SS&D: Thanks ladies. Looking forward to the next episode.

Check out the previous entries below this one for all episodes of “Pratt Falls” that have been posted so far.

From the mind of a soap writer

Xavier Toups of Soap Opera Network recently did an interview with soap writer, Sara A. Bibel. Read on and learn the behind the scenes stuff on what it’s like to write for a soap.

An Interview with Sara A. Bibel

Richie’s the culprit and who does Zach tell first?

It’s understandable that Zach and Greenlee share a bond after being holed up in the bomb shelter for a month… but why is it, when he finally finds out who was responsible for leaving them for dead the person he tells first is Greenlee.


Shouldn’t Zach be telling his, um… WIFE first?  It seems kind of wrong that he goes to Greenlee first, even if they were stranded together.  Kendall was the one who agonized for a month, wondering if he’d ever come back, if he was even alive. Kendall was the one who practically gave up hope at one point.

Kendall is his wife. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t stuck in the hole with him… the fact remains, she’s his wife. Kendall should have been told first, not Greenlee.

Funny part of this all, is that Greenlee had asked Zach if he called Kendall yet. It wasn’t until Richie was finally being arrested that he got around to calling her.

Zach… it took ya long enough.

Annie Lavery – Who knew…

When did Annie Lavery turn into a loony wife? I understand she loves Ryan, but this change in her personality is quite disturbing. She invites herself into Greenlee’s apartment and demands that the woman stay away from Ryan. The look on her face… eerie.

Perhaps Richie was right all along… that Annie has some mental problems, too.

Greenlee and Jake? Possibility?

Is there a guy on the Pine Valley canvas that Greenlee hasn’t been with? (Tad, Adam and the older sector of Pine Valley excluded from the list.)

In today’s ever going merry-go-round of Greenlee’s woes on AMC, she is seen with Jake Martin. Now, if you recall, Greenlee and Jake were an item a while back. They broke up for reasons this writer cannot remember and now they’re sharing a screen again. Could today be the setting for another opportunity at the coupling again? Who knows… but if the chemistry is there, All My Children should seize it.

Forget Ryan and Greenlee 2.0.

Forget Aidan and Greenlee.

It’s time to give Greenlee a chance with a man outside of the infamous sextet that has been gracing screens for the past six months. Unfortunately, it leaves the dashing Aidan Devane out of luck once again, (poor guy never has any luck with women) but it gives Greenlee an opportunity to be outside of the orbits of Ryan, Kendall and Zach, for a period of time.

Ricky Paull Goldin and Rebecca Budig have the talent, the looks and the chemistry to pull off this pairing. If anything, Jake’s edge right now (which RPG is playing so very well) is probably one of the reasons why the pairing would work. Greenlee needs a man in her life that can put her in her place every now and then. Aidan did a little bit of that to some extent, but after a while, it seemed like he became a puppy dog to Greenlee. It’s time for another man to try his manly hands with the high-maintenance woman.  It’ll be interesting to see what AMC can do with the two of them and how everyone around them reacts.

Let Greenlee break out of the sextet orbit. Give Greenlee and Jake a chance.